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Старый 12.10.2014, 15:34
dimagelmut dimagelmut вне форума
Мембер клуба
Регистрация: 28.09.2012
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 156
По умолчанию резистор вентилятора охлаждения 996

резистор вентилятора охлаждения 996 кто менял отдельно?какое должно быть сопротивление,мощность -вобщем параметры его? а-то не хочется вместе с вентилятором менять в сборе
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Старый 14.10.2014, 16:03
dimagelmut dimagelmut вне форума
Мембер клуба
Регистрация: 28.09.2012
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 156
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а в ответ тишина....
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Старый 04.05.2015, 12:35
dimagelmut dimagelmut вне форума
Мембер клуба
Регистрация: 28.09.2012
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 156
По умолчанию

вопрос решён установкой резистора вентилятора кондиционера от бмв е34,е32. Цена вопроса 1000рублей.
может кому и пригодится....
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Старый 27.05.2015, 00:23
DEN! DEN! вне форума
Регистрация: 27.12.2014
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 72
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Подскажи как ты его поменял? Ведь там совсем другой, по сравнению с бмвшным! Я заказал, хотел поменять, а там совсем другой... И три провода, вместо 2 контактов которые на бмв.
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Старый 04.08.2024, 22:40
Аватар для Shaman
Shaman Shaman вне форума
Мембер клуба
Регистрация: 11.09.2015
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 161
По умолчанию

Белый и белый зеленый вместе с одной стороны, зеленый с другой.
Резистор купил в чип и дип

Тут полный мануал

Скину сюда текст, вдруг будет недоступен
Replace ballast resistors
I have just finished replacing my ballast resistor on the passenger side and I've done it a lot cheaper than using the genuine Porsche Ballast resistor. I'll do a step by step guide but if anyone wants any help, message me.

I'll describe the passenger side but obviously if yours is drivers side then alter as required.

Before you start, go to RS or similar and get a 0.5R 100W (RS code 188-071) resistor. This will cost you about £5 inc VAT.

1. Remove the wheel and support on a suitable axle stand.
2. Remove the wheel arch liner which will give you access to the ballast resistor wiring.
3. You should see the resistor on its clamp with the wiring coming from it.
4. I would disconnect the battery for safety at this point.
5. Cut the wiring as close to the old ballast resistor as possible.
6. Remove the old resistor and bin it.
7. Identify the three wires (green, white and green/white).
Green = Low speed fan supply
White = High speed fan supply
Green/White = Output to fan motor
8. I suggest you get hold of a good soldering iron, you will need something quite powerful or use good quality crimp connectors and cover all joints with heatshrink, the stuff with adhesive in is the best choice.
9. Solder the White and Green/White wires to one side of the resistor and then cover with heatshrink.
10. Solder the Green wire to the OTHER end of the resistor and cover the joint with heatshrink.
11. Drill a couple of holes so you mount the new resistor where the old one used to be. Make sure its in the airflow of the fan.

To test the new resistor.

Reconnect the battery and make sure all fuses are good.

First of all you need to know where the relays are. Look under the dash above the fusebox and you'll see a row of grey relays (each is marked with a large 53).

Working front to back, they are :

1. Not important for this
2. Passenger side low speed
3. Passenger side high speed
4. Drivers side low speed
5. Drivers side high speed

OK, choose which relay you need to pull, I would suggest high speed first of all.

Once you've pulled the relay, make a short piece of wire ( 100mm) and crimp a blade type connector one each end. Use this to "jump" the relay.

Connect from the top connection (vertical slot) to the bottom horizontal slot. The fan should run at full speed (you'll hear it).

OK, now remove the link and replace the relay.

Do the same again for the low speed and you should hear the fan run at a lower speed.

Remove the link wire and replace all relays.

Replace the wheel liner and roadwheel.

Start the car and put the a/c on and set it to the lowest temperature, give it a few seconds and you should hear both front fans running at low speed.

Hopefully the two pictures will work. One shows the new resistor in place and the other shows the front now I've fitted some mesh and DRL's.

If anyone has any questions or needs a hand, message me.
Think Different
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